Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog 19: Class Reflection

B. Next, consider your online experience this semester and write a second paragraph that answers the following questions:
Was writing online different from other writing experiences you have had in the past? If yes, how so? If not, what was the same?
Did writing blog entries help improve your writing ability? Please explain why or why not.
Did you feel that the online work was a shared experience or an individual activity?
Did you read other students’ online work? (Never/ Only when Assigned/ Sometimes/ Often)
Did you get the impression that other members of the class or the network read your blog? (Never/ Only when Assigned/ Sometimes/ Often)

C. Finally, consider your overall experience in the class and write a third paragraph that answers the following:
What lessons will you be taking away from this class?
Is there something you would have liked to discuss that we did not get to? What is it and why did you want to discuss it? (Or, what did we not cover in depth that you would have liked to cover in depth and why?)
Do you feel that you are leaving this class with a basic understanding of writing strategies? Why or why not?
What was the most memorable moment, assignment, interaction, or experience you had in the class? Please explain why.
What recommendation(s) would you give to a student that plans to take this class next semester?

      Go back through my blog entries for the semester and i choose three blogs as my best work, there are blog 5, blog 9 and blog 13. Blog 5 is my first blog that the professor taught us how to write about the body of the essay i learnt we should write something from the article and also we need write something connected to myself. I took time to figure out how to connected to myself and also that is my first try to write it. Blog 9 is the one i think that is not difficult topic to write because it is very close our lifestyle and easy to find example and experience from myself. Blog 13 is the one we saw the media about what kind of water we drink everyday and what is the difference. It is a very interesting one because i want to find what and how i drink everyday. It has a very big difference.
      I never have write online experience in the previous class, But i think it is helps me, because i can look at other classmates work. sometime when you don't know how to write it. Others thoughts will help you to brain storm. That's why i think it is good.

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