Monday, April 23, 2012

Blog 10

In "Imitation of Film: Here's Smoking at You, Kid." Nicholas Balakar states that children in their adolescents like to smoke if they saw actors smoke in the , a nationwide survey published in the November issue of Pediatrics reports. The researchers also said thirty-eight percent of children who begin to smoke is from what they have seen in the movie. The Dr. James D. Sargent, who is the lead author on the study and a professor of pediatrics at Dartmouth Medical School, he said "the R- rated movies have much smoking than other films," and they have the study show the kids start to see this movie since their fourth or fifth grade. The pediatrics professor made a interviewed between 6522 children to see if children who had the greatest exposure to smoking in movies were more than two and a half times as likely to start smoking as these who had the lowest exposure. Dr. Sargent think the study result about the youngest adolescents but may have some children start to smoke before their saw these movies. Balakar also states this is a very seriously problem on those movies and we have to notice it.

As Dr. Sargent said that "The strength of the findings, and the fact that they replicate almost exactly an earlier regional study, suggest that this association should be taken very seriously." I total agree with him because when we are ages from 10 - 14, we can't tell what is exactly right or wrong. We just follow our eyes when we see someone that they so things and no one say their wrong. In our mind, We think that was right and we will follow the things they did. For example, I think everyone has seen the magic show so far and no matter where you saw it during or after the show always have some notices to mention you that they are professional and you don't follow or replicate what they do with yourself, it is dangerous because some magic show are unbelievable. Even though their mention you, some kid would follow what they said. Many year ago, I saw the news from the newspaper. It said about the boy fell from the third floor and died. He imaged that he can fly if he jump from the third floor. Unfortunately,  he can't fly and his died. He believes he can make it. His parents very sad when they got home after work. They can't believe their child follow the magic show their saw together last night.

As a result, I think those problem are very seriously to the youngest adoleseents. We all have to do some things to protect our younger kids, Such as, make a rule like youngest kids can't see those dangerous shows or movies to let them grown up in the health environment.

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