Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blog 11

PART I The Meatrix 
Moopheus find leo and want to show him what is the real farm. The place that leo stay is a fantasy family farm. Moospheus give leo two choice that blue pill is stay in the fantasy farm or choice the red pill will show you the truth. leo choose the red pill to see the truth. They go through a crazy transition. They are landing in a horrible place that is a factory farm. In the mid 20th century,greed agriculture corporation want to get the greatest profits that the factory farming born. Animal are living in the very worse environment. They are packed togethday, no sunlight, no fresh air and even can't turn around that make animals are sick. The corporate machine began to add antibiotics to their feed to keep them alive. The factory farming corporating

The Meatrix: Revolting 
The second video shows that in order to increase the production of milk they use hormones.Also the calves are separated from their mothers. They produce a fake milk with cows blood to feed the calves. producing the mad cow disease.The cows tails are cut in an unsafe method.

The Meatrix II 1/2

  • The third video agent shows how the meat is processed daily they made a lot amount of products,however,the unhealthy conditions that the meat is made is not the agents priority.the profit is the agents number one priority. 

     I think the biggest issue is that factory farming has affected the family farms the most because they but them out of business without offering them any alternative.Also,it impacts the future of the agriculture as this family farms begin to disappear.We live in a country that the population is over 300 million of people.Forcing the food industry to grow in order to feed all these people.This subject has been a big country for all of us, especially for those who knows the negatives results of Factory Farming. One of the biggest problems is that many family farms are disappearing because of the competition.Therefore farms struggle to stay in business.In fact, the old generation of farmers are not being replace by the newest one. Not only that, factory farming has damage the environment,food, animals ,etc.

    I think that the government should take action by helping family farms to grow. It is important for the family farms produce fresh, nutritious,foods, small family farms provide a wealth of help for their local regions and communities.According to the article "family farmers benefit society by boosting democratic values in their communities through active civic participation"  by doing this act it will open new jobs,even more young people will be encouraged to become farmers. At the same time it will diffidently secure the preservation of green space within the community.

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