Monday, April 16, 2012

Blog 8

1.  I Am/ I Am not Living in The Matrix
From the beginning of the story, Neo suspects that something is wrong with his world: that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true. This feeling that “something is not quite right with the world” resonated with many viewers who agreed that we could be living in The Matrix and not know it. What do you think: are we living in a fake world like The Matrix? How do you know? Explain your argument using evidence from your life and/or the film.

         I am not living in the Matrix. As explains in the movie, "that he is somehow controlled or manipulated into believing things that are not true." However, I don't agree with it. Because i think everything that we did was real. We are living in the reality world. That wasn't everything perfect for me. I can decided whatever i want to do.
         I remember many years ago when i first time watched the matrix. After i watched it that i had many question such as the world we live are real or not. Later on, I found one very interesting thing that can explain this question.Because if you can find infinite that the world you live is real. I have a friend that she bought a apartment want to design her house. She downlode a very simple software that can easy to use such as how the look they can use the software to design the home. They put the carpet, wood floor, anything you can put but the only thing you can't find is a mirror. We can't find answer but I brought the question always with me. I remember  
physics class the professor told us if we want to see what is unlimited. we can use two mirror and face them together then you will get your answer. After the class, i went to ask my professor the question that i have. Why we can find the mirror in that software? She gave me the answer that computer can't imitate the unlimited things. If they do have mirror that can lead the computer doesn't work anymore.
          As a result, i do the same things let two mirror together, then i find i'm still here. That's why i know i am not living in the Matrix.

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