Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blog 7 - Revision for CAT Practice 1

           In " The Dangers of Reality TV," Timothy Sexton states that the reality television give some young people dangerous information to let them think the competition is is much important the value os image over ability, and education aren't important. Reality TV changes the old belief that competition is the way to success. The author said that on many of these shows the contestants even though they have most qualified condition they often lose. If another contestants have very good image, attractively, but not good ability the person could be won. That the information shows the image is more important than ability the author worried the people get this wrong information will think the education isn't important. The "reality TV" makers want to warn the people to face the society.
            When the author said "probably the single most dangerous message these shows dend is that education is completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream." I agree with author. I think it is dangerous message to tell the people because I think education very important, I have several reason. First, education means knowledge and we need knowledge to do lots of things in our life. Second, money is important, but it isn't the most important things in our life. We need education, we want to show the ability to create something useful to help others.
             Ability is much important in our life. Every people are doing the different things everyday to run our life, and we can't live without them. Such as, bus driver, doctor and lawyer and so on. They are educated, and they important and necessary in our life. If you sick and you can't find anyone to help you. The result is very serious and horrible. So we need education.
             Money are important but it can't buy any skill. Such as if you don't know how to drive a aircraft even you have huge of money you still don't know how to drive it. You have to learn this skill that mean you need education. Education is very important.
             In conclusion, I still strongly agree with the author. In our life we need educated to improve out life quality that why we have to learn the things because we are not perfect we are all human being we need to discover this world.

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